
Now listen here, you...

Father: No, I am afraid not - I pay you to oversee my childrens' education. That is your responsibility.

Teacher: Whilst I don't think my responsibility soley resides in teaching my students mathematics, I do think a child's social and moral education is the responsibility of his or her parents. I see your son for four hours a week and with the best will in the world I couldn't hope to...

Father: How dare you try to tell me how to bring up my own children!

Teacher: I'm not trying to tell you how to live your life, just sugesting you use all of your options.*

Father: I'm not having this. I pay your wages!

Teacher: I beg your pardon?

Father: You heard. I pay my taxes!

Teacher: Do you? I also pay my taxes but that does not mean I am my own boss. "Jenkins, where are you going?" "I am going home, headmaster. I thought that seeing as how I pay my taxes I am my own boss and gave myself the afternoon off."

Father: You know what I mean. I pay my taxes to the government, they pay you, you provide a service to me. You have a responsibilty to me, the tax payer.

Teacher: I have a responsibilty to your son, who deserves my attentive concern the same as all of my other three hundred students. Whose parents also no doubt pay their taxes on the whole.

Father: The gall of this surprises even me. The headmaster shall hear of this. Mark my words!

Teacher: I'd rather mark your son's homework but seeing as it doesn't seem to be forthcoming I'll have to make do. When you speak to the headmaster, please don't mention that you pay my wages. He is under the impression that he does, you see? I would really hate to spoil his fantasy of who does what where all the responsibility lies.

*I borrowed these from Bill Hicks. Alas, he doesn't need his words any more, so I borrowed them on the sly.


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